Ralph De La Cruz
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I was at a festival at the kids' school a couple of weeks ago when a mom asked how I was voting.

Maybe it's my years as a totally objective news reporter, but I always feel strange answering that question. So I hemmed and hawed.

"I'm voting Republican," she finally offered.

"You know, uh, I'll probably end up voting Democrat," I said.

Another mom who was engaged in the conversation turned to me and said in Spanish, "You're going to vote for those [insert derogatory word for gays]?"
"I've got absolutely no problem with gay people," I answered.

"You're going to hell," she said.

I thought a lot about that exchange as the final election returns came in Wednesday showing that 11 states had banned gay marriage. And even more as pundits proclaimed how evangelical Christians, and those who prize family values and morals, had pushed the election to President Bush.

It must be a scary time to be gay in America, I thought.

But I'm not gay.

So I sat down with Fort Lauderdale lawyer/writer/radio show host/gay activist Norm Kent to really see if it's becoming late night, rather than morning, in America for gays.

How's it going, Norm?

"I'm reflective and mellow," Kent said. "The sun is coming out tomorrow."
I didn't mention that it was dark and overcast outside.

"The Republicans survived Carter and Clinton, and the Democrats will survive Reagan and Bush," he added. "Gays will survive this election just as African-Americans survived the Dred Scott decision."

I was about to mention that African-Americans suffered more than 100 years of continued abuse after Dred Scott, when Kent concluded his thought:
"I see this as a necessary link toward the inevitable collapse of discrimination in this country."

So, taking a step back is a necessary part of long-range change? That, I can understand. You know. Darkest before the dawn, and all that stuff.

"It's far better to fight for a just cause that will eventually prevail than it is to temporarily succeed in an unrighteous cause that's doomed to fail," Kent said. "Gays will prosper, take the dog out for a walk tomorrow morning. We are not going away. You know, there was a time here when it was illegal for blacks to cross U.S. 1 after dark."

Reflective for sure. And mellow? Almost beyond belief.

Kent said that, actually, the election was a victory for American diversity ("Fifty-four million people voted for a person who they said was the most liberal person in the Senate").

As for Bush ...

"We've gained the greatest [gay] civil rights victory of all time -- the striking down of sodomy laws -- during his administration," Kent said. "Laws that are not socially enforceable are not legally practical."

But, I pointed out, that decision was made by judges who were appointed decades ago. We won't see the real effects of this election for years, perhaps even decades.

"That is my biggest concern about the re-election of George Bush -- the direction it takes the high court," he acknowledged. "But judges don't always turn out the way that they're supposed to."

He pointed out that Republican President Dwight Eisenhower appointed Earl Warren, who became a liberal mainstay of the court.

"Should gays be worried? That's crazy," Kent said. "I don't buy into that doomsday scenario. That doesn't mean you don't re-dedicate yourself or stop speaking out. I have no intention of being silent.

"But you can't stop the wave that has already hit the shore."
Considering the size of this one, better learn how to swim.

Ralph De La Cruz can be reached at or 954-356-4727

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